75 Hard

At the end of 2012, I made a promise to myself – that I would get my body…and life back. And I did just that. I got out of an abusive, toxic relationship and got into the gym. I lost 80lbs and found my way back to a happy, healthy life. I became a trainer & nutritionist so I could help others who were struggling, as I always had. Life was good…really good. Until it wasn’t.

October 1, 2017 my whole world flipped upside down. I spent most of 2018 battling severe depression, which I tried very hard to hide from everyone (and myself). I decided at the start of 2019 that I wanted my life back and I did everything I could to get there. Only problem was…I never healed what was broken. So as much as I tried…the motivation wasn’t truly there…and my anxiety spiked fast. Last year started the same as I did the year before – trying desperately to get back to the happy place I was once in. Then the world fell apart and so did my body. Years of fighting (and, at times, ignoring) my chronic pain and illnesses mixed with PTSD made for a very difficult year.

2021. New year, clean slate. I’m tired of letting a horrible event & my shitty health dictate how I live everyday. I want to make serious changes…and I know better than anyone that starts from the inside out. “Get your mind right and the rest will follow.”

I learned about 75 Hard last year and the more I read about it…and read people’s stories…the more I realized this was something I needed to do. For the most part, it’s not that much different than the “summer shred” I do every year….what IS different is the mental component. This isn’t some quick fix weight loss or exercise plan. You do your own thing diet-wise and exercise-wise…whatever suits you & your needs. That was helpful in the sense…my body isn’t able do the insane workouts that it used to do. With 75 hard, you do two workouts a day, any kind, BUT one MUST be outdoors. You can follow any diet you want but there can’t be any cheat days…or alcohol. I decided at the start of the year that I would begin this challenge the Monday after super bowl. I love football Sundays (and beer) so I wanted the season to be finished so I could truly give this my all.

It was a challenge to go for walks when it was 15 degrees, snowing, or raining outside. It was also really difficult on those bad days to not reach for a beer. Nothing wrong with having a drink (or 5) from time to time but when you’re using it as a coping mechanism…it’s probably time to switch gears. I’ve always done better with motivation when I have something to work towards…so I was able to use my upcoming trip to Nashville as the extra incentive.

And I am extremely proud to say that I DID IT. 75 days without beer. 75 days of outdoor walks, regardless of the weather. 75 two-a-days, despite the pain or sickness in my body & craziness of my life. 75 days (or nights in my case) of reading – 2.5 books, 615 pages. 75 days of truly getting back on track – physically AND mentally. I have no idea how much weight I lost on my body…but I can say that a HUGE weight was lifted mentally. For the first time in a REALLY long time…I’m me again. And I couldn’t be more grateful.

Day 1 vs. Day 75

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