New Year, New Hope

2020. The year that started a new decade and came with so much promise & hope. But…less than 3 months into said new year…all of that hope was flushed down the toilet when this stupid virus completely halted life as we all knew it. Not long after that…my body shut down the same way that the world did. It’s been a long road but now that I have some answers…I figured I’d do a little recap.

I’ve battled with invisible illnesses for my entire adult life. I was diagnosed at 18 with PCOS but continued to feel very sick thereafter. For years, I’d go to different doctors and have lots of tests…but when those tests came back normal, I was made to feel like a crazy person. I battled mystery stomach ailments & “appendix” pain, constant fatigue, joint/muscle aches, and a slew of hormonal issues every month. It wasn’t until I was diagnosed & treated for Endometriosis two years ago, that things started to get a little better. Until now.

This past year has been a trainwreck for everyone…but for me, it’s the worst I have felt in MANY years. My hormones have been completely out of whack, which has thrown off my metabolism & weight. I’ve been extremely fatigued & having those muscle/joint aches again…and to accompany that…I also battled severe lightheadedness for most of the year, which would include a migraine & nausea sometimes. I felt like I was living in a fog. It got so bad, that I took myself to the emergency room. I fought myself on that all year – with covid going on I didn’t want to make a bad situation worse by contracting that too. I did eventually give in to my failing body…and I was so glad that I did.

After feeling, once again, like a crazy person with the doctors I was going to…I decided to go to a new place. I also decided it would be best to go to this new place because it is a smaller, and a seemingly safer environment. As much as I hate hospitals and have PTSD with new doctors…this place has been a godsend. Every single person that I have met with and spoken to has been nothing but kind, compassionate…and helpful. They genuinely care about their patients and want to do whatever it takes to make them feel better. After my ER visit didn’t amount to much, I was sent to other specialists within the hospital for further testing.

I had many tests done and nothing abnormal came back. However, thanks to my persistence, I did get answers about the consistent dull pain in my lower abdomen. I was convinced, based on my symptoms, that I had polyps again. I went to my endometriosis doctor out of desperation and I was right. I had two polyps…and one was much bigger than either myself or my doctor expected. She brought me into the ER for a hysteroscopy to remove them but she didn’t like how it looked so she sent them out for biopsies immediately. It took two VERY long weeks but I found out that the polyps were cancer free & I am scheduled for a 6-month follow up to be sure nothing comes back.

I began pelvic floor PT at the new hospital in the fall to help with my chronic pain. The PT girl that I was given has been an angel. I’m by no means cured…but it turns out that the chronic pain and inflammation is actually where many of my mysterious pains come from. They are all connected! Not only is it helpful for the pain but it’s helpful for my brain too because it is proof that everything I’ve battled with for years is valid….despite what moron doctors have told me.

So we’ve begun a new year and with this new year comes new hope. Having the polyps removed has already made many of my symptoms disappear. Hopefully between that, my new team of doctors, and PT…I will continue to feel better & be able to workout again. It’s been a real struggle – 10 steps forward and 100 back – but if I can be patient and give my body time to heal…things should get much better. Maybe even better than they were before.

Here’s to a healthier…happier…new year for us all.


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