I am 1 in 10

March is Endometriosis Awareness Month. 1 in 10 women suffer from this debilitating condition. I am one and this is my story.

My symptoms started very early, probably around 15 years old. I was told it was normal cramps and that it was part of being a woman. However, the pain was so bad I would often be doubled over and end up visiting the school nurse’s office. Soon after high school, I found myself very sick. It was my freshman year at SUNY New Paltz and I vividly remember being in so much pain I couldn’t leave my bed. The pain was centralized near my appendix, so when I finally gathered the strength to get to the infirmary on campus, they sent me to the nearest hospital for what they believed was appendicitis. After 6 hours and several tests, I was told that was not the cause of my pain. Upon my refusal to have further invasive testing done there, I was told to go to a gynecologist. The doctor believed that my problems likely stemmed from that as opposed to anything else. It would take years but that doctor turned out to be spot on.

I visited a gynecologist, as instructed, and after more testing I was diagnosed soon after with PCOS and immediately put on birth control to try to alleviate some of my symptoms. The doctor told me that my pain was derived from cysts that were building up & bursting. The pill only masked my issues. While the period pain greatly diminished, I began years worth of suffering from undetectable stomach issues. My stomach would often blow up to the size of a woman about to give birth…for reasons I still don’t know. I also continued to get random pains near my appendix. I visited 5 different stomach doctors and had every test except a colonoscopy done – only to be told nothing was wrong with me & that I was suffering from IBS. Having been told by the gynecologist that my right ovary that was polycystic, I tried (and failed) for years to link my hormonal condition & stomach issues together. Every doctor refused to support my theory and no one would help me. This went on for YEARS.

Fast forward to the fall of 2017. I had just lost my baby and was no longer on birth control. I began to get very sick.  I started noticing that slowly all of the issues that I had in high school were coming back…but this time twice as bad. I went to two different doctors about my pain. After a couple of months & several tests, the second doctor ultimately found a small polyp in my uterus, which they removed and biopsied for cancer. The biopsy turned out to be negative but I was still very sick. The pain was unbearable & I didn’t know what to do anymore. The doctor also couldn’t help me – but he did send me to someone who would. She was a specialist for pelvic pain & endometriosis. I started to research this condition and finally it all made sense.

As I did the research, I noticed that everything I had been suffering with and seeking help for, was classic to endometriosis. For years, I had been convinced my stomach issues were related to my hormonal problems. Now I had the science to back me up. One of the most classic symptoms of endo is appendix pain…and IBS. Two things I had been suffering with for over 15 years! When I explained everything to this new specialist, she nodded her head and told me that I presented classic endo symptoms & she could help me. I started to cry.  For years, it felt like no doctors believed me – finally I found someone who not only believed me but knew how to treat me! She had me begin a new pill, which mimicked birth control but contained different hormones. After two months, I didn’t feel better so she presented other options, one of which was another drug called Lupron…which puts your body into menopause. I lost it when she even suggested such a thing so I opted for the other option, which was to have a laparoscopic endometrial excision & appendectomy instead. My appendix wasn’t appearing to be sick, but since that was where all of my pain was located (and since you don’t need an appendix anyway) out it came. The recovery was miserable but as time went on, I got increasingly better. For the first time in my whole life, I had regular periods with minimal pain and almost non-existent stomach issues! I made the decision to not go back on birth control. With my age and history – I don’t need anything else standing in my way when (and if) the opportunity to have a baby presents itself. 

If you or someone you know is suffering, don’t give up! We know our bodies best – and we know when something isn’t right. It took me MANY years to finally get answers…but I have them now and I couldn’t be more grateful! Be honest with your doctor about your symptoms and don’t settle for answers you aren’t comfortable with. Seek out second opinions, if necessary. Do your homework and really pay attention to your body. It may take some time but I promise, it will be worth it in the end.



**Update –  I considered writing a separate post…but decided it was best to just add an update. After recovering from surgery in 2018, I began to feel MUCH better than I had in years. I had a few flares here and there but nothing compared to the lifetime of issues I had. That is…until last year.

March 2020. The world fell apart and so did my body. I wasn’t getting my period and I had severe pain & fatigue that would cripple me and keep me in bed all day long. I couldn’t get to a doctor because of covid and it was a big mess. Eventually I was able to get to a doctor…but upon hearing I hadn’t had a period, she decided I must be pregnant (I was not) and that was the only test she did. I spent majority of the year in excruciating pain but thanks to covid…at least I was able to be home & in bed. Towards the end of the year, I finally was able to get to real doctors again. They ran many tests and still could not figure me out. I can count on one hand how many periods I had in all of 2020. By November, it was finally determined I had large polyps in my uterus that needed to be removed right away. That happened in early December. The pain didn’t really stop but my period did come back…temporarily. I also began pelvic floor PT and it has been a GODSEND. That should be the NUMBER ONE thing doctors recommend for pelvic pain…yet it is not. 

As of today, March 2021, my period has been MIA and endo is flaring HARD. Swollen body…achy…fatigue…terrible pain. The PT helps tremendously but lately the pain has been coming back much quicker. I’m in the process of seeing multiple doctors and having more tests done, to rule other conditions out. If I’ve learned anything over these 20-someodd years it’s to not give up and to trust my instincts. It took MANY years to get a diagnosis. Countless doctors made me feel crazy. I don’t tolerate it anymore…I just find a new one. I wasn’t crazy. I was sick. I still am. My mystery stomach issues were never a mystery – they were always related to my hormonal conditions…as I said. 

I’ve said it before and I will say it 10000000 times. WE KNOW OUR BODIES BEST. Don’t continue to suffer – go to 100 doctors if you have to. Get the answers…and help…you desperately need. I promise it’s worth it. 

***Update #2: 2/2/23– Following that last update in March 2021, I continued to suffer tremendously and only got worse over time. The doctor tried to put me on a non-birth control hormone to ease the pain but it made everything worse. The PT helped during the sessions but wasn’t giving me the relief it should. I was also given trigger point injections monthly, which also didn’t help as much as they should either. So by summer of 2022, it was decided that I would have a second surgery to see if any endo had come back and to relieve this pain. I had that surgery in September 2022. Along with the endo lap, I also had a hysteroscopy to check for polyps (of which there were none) and a bladder instillation. Thanks to continued PT (and a lovely cane, which I named Sally), my recovery was MUCH easier than the first time around. At my 2-week post-op appt, I found out there was no new endo growth! The doctor cleared me to begin PT again and prescribed me gabapentin to help with any pain lingering, and re-teach my nerves how to behave. Between the surgery, the PT, and this medication I feel like I am FINALLY on the road to recovery. While my periods have still been miserable, the daily pain I was experiencing has truly been SO much better. If my pain were to come back though, it would be time to start discussing a hysterectomy. I hope and pray everyday that it doesn’t come to that, but only time will tell. For now, I am enjoying my life of minimal pain and new, very scaled back exercise routines.

Happy 5th birthday to my angel

My angel,

I blinked and somehow today you would be 5. I wish I could be throwing you the best party, fit for the princess I’m sure you’d be…but that’s not how it is. I made a silent promise to myself several years ago that I would try to write to you every year until you were 5 and today we’ve reached that place. Every year on the day we lost you, I go to the beach or some body of water so I can honor you in the best way I know how. So while the writings may stop, that beach/water day on October 1 never will.

I haven’t truly been myself since the day we lost you but I decided long ago that I would try to make you proud, even if you can’t be here next to me. I’ve done a lot of work to heal and get my mind right, even going back to church as I found a lovely community of people there. I’m somewhat me again…even though there’s a part that you forever changed. My health has never really been the same, and so with that and my getting older…the likelihood that I will have a sibling for you here on earth is slim to none. I’ve always dreamed of being a mommy and for a couple of months you made that reality, so you will always be special to me and be in my heart. There really aren’t words for how much I wish you were here, how much I wish I would’ve gotten to see you grow up and take you to Yankee games so I could teach you all about baseball, like your great-grandpa taught me. I see other kids your age and it reminds me just how much I would’ve loved to see who you would become.

I don’t get as many signs from you as I used to and that makes me so sad. Please continue to send those down and visit me in my dreams. Visit daddy too – I’m sure we both need our angel looking over us.

Happy 5th birthday, princess. I love you and will miss you always ❤️

One Day at a Time

10.1.2017 – what has now been marked as the worst day of my life. As we approached today, I realized that 5 years have passed. Life has gone on but somehow I’m still stuck there. No one talks about pregnancy loss, let alone the traumatic effect it has on the mother. Add to that the loss of my relationship (& friendship) with the baby’s father along with my decline of health and my brain has really been on a loop. It’s a never ending quest to get back to that happy, normal life I was living…even though nothing at all is the same.

Being diagnosed with a chronic illness after years with no answers, just months after losing my baby…really was a kick in the head. Losing the only real support system I ever had in the baby’s father, only added to it. Now, here we are 5 years later. I just had a second surgery for endometriosis, the illness I was diagnosed with post-loss, and it’s taken everything in me to not go back to the darkest places I saw following that loss and first surgery. The dark place where you never want to wake up again because that means all the pain and anxiety and sadness goes away too.

I’ve done a lot of work over the last couple of years, in therapy and on my own. I even started attending weekly services with this amazing church. Still, in many ways I’m stuck. I’m terrified of sex, mostly because I’m afraid of an instant-replay. I haven’t consistently worked out in YEARS and even when I feel motivated, my body has other ideas. I hold on to my loss and trauma and get a lot of somatic pain & dizziness as a result…which only increases my normal pain due to endo. It’s like I’ve been on this never ending horrible ride that I never wanted to be on…but I can’t get off of it.

People don’t really get it, even those who have experienced loss. They don’t really understand this overwhelming feeling of being just…stuck…5 years later. They don’t get how, with my age and condition…the chance I’ll ever have a baby in my arms is slim to none…and how that crushes my soul anytime I think about it. How I get these crippling headaches and lightheaded dizzy spells whenever I do think about it…or the loss…or the baby’s father. How all I want is to live the life I always dreamed of, with a baby in my arms to take to Yankee games and teach about baseball. How every day that passes…every moment I feel pain or sickness…my dream of being a mother dies a little more.

I don’t see signs or have *her* appear in my dreams at night as much, which is also crushing. Those little signs were like glimmers of hope – like *she* was looking over me and everything would be ok. Still, I press on. I listen to worship or uplifting music. I surround myself with people who care and who lift me up instead of knocking me down. I read a lot of books and do a lot of work to just be better. Because at the end of the day, I’d love for *her* to look down and be proud to say I’m *her* mommy…and so I try everyday to be better for *her* and for me.

75 Hard

At the end of 2012, I made a promise to myself – that I would get my body…and life back. And I did just that. I got out of an abusive, toxic relationship and got into the gym. I lost 80lbs and found my way back to a happy, healthy life. I became a trainer & nutritionist so I could help others who were struggling, as I always had. Life was good…really good. Until it wasn’t.

October 1, 2017 my whole world flipped upside down. I spent most of 2018 battling severe depression, which I tried very hard to hide from everyone (and myself). I decided at the start of 2019 that I wanted my life back and I did everything I could to get there. Only problem was…I never healed what was broken. So as much as I tried…the motivation wasn’t truly there…and my anxiety spiked fast. Last year started the same as I did the year before – trying desperately to get back to the happy place I was once in. Then the world fell apart and so did my body. Years of fighting (and, at times, ignoring) my chronic pain and illnesses mixed with PTSD made for a very difficult year.

2021. New year, clean slate. I’m tired of letting a horrible event & my shitty health dictate how I live everyday. I want to make serious changes…and I know better than anyone that starts from the inside out. “Get your mind right and the rest will follow.”

I learned about 75 Hard last year and the more I read about it…and read people’s stories…the more I realized this was something I needed to do. For the most part, it’s not that much different than the “summer shred” I do every year….what IS different is the mental component. This isn’t some quick fix weight loss or exercise plan. You do your own thing diet-wise and exercise-wise…whatever suits you & your needs. That was helpful in the sense…my body isn’t able do the insane workouts that it used to do. With 75 hard, you do two workouts a day, any kind, BUT one MUST be outdoors. You can follow any diet you want but there can’t be any cheat days…or alcohol. I decided at the start of the year that I would begin this challenge the Monday after super bowl. I love football Sundays (and beer) so I wanted the season to be finished so I could truly give this my all.

It was a challenge to go for walks when it was 15 degrees, snowing, or raining outside. It was also really difficult on those bad days to not reach for a beer. Nothing wrong with having a drink (or 5) from time to time but when you’re using it as a coping mechanism…it’s probably time to switch gears. I’ve always done better with motivation when I have something to work towards…so I was able to use my upcoming trip to Nashville as the extra incentive.

And I am extremely proud to say that I DID IT. 75 days without beer. 75 days of outdoor walks, regardless of the weather. 75 two-a-days, despite the pain or sickness in my body & craziness of my life. 75 days (or nights in my case) of reading – 2.5 books, 615 pages. 75 days of truly getting back on track – physically AND mentally. I have no idea how much weight I lost on my body…but I can say that a HUGE weight was lifted mentally. For the first time in a REALLY long time…I’m me again. And I couldn’t be more grateful.

Day 1 vs. Day 75

Happy Birthday, Angel

Happy birthday, baby. I can’t believe another year has gone by – you’d be 3 today!

Everyday I take long walks in pretty places. I find myself most at peace when I do this…and it’s often when I think of you most. On one of those long walks, I came across a little blond girl who was about the age you would be. Dancing and laughing, wearing the most perfect bow and peacoat. I saw her from behind at first and it stopped me in my tracks. I knew that was you sending me a sign, you were there at the beach with me that day. I haven’t been able to stop thinking of that little girl and how you would’ve been just like that.

So here we are on what should be your 3rd birthday. So many babies were born around that same time and I see them doing all of the things I’d love to do with you and celebrating how we should be. I’d love to see you wearing a birthday tiara and dancing around, eating ice cream and so full of happiness. I see your daddy and I can’t help but wonder if you send him the same signs or visit him in dreams too. We talked for the first time in a long time recently and something tells me he thinks about you too…and how life would be. Like I always do.

Would you look like him, as you do in my dreams? Would you be the bubbly, happy little girl dancing around and watching sports? Would you love the beach? I try not to get sad as much but it’s hard when I see other children that are the age you would be. I will always wonder you (and life itself) would be like and it kills me that I will never know. Especially since I don’t know if it will ever be possible to give you a brother or sister on Earth…and that makes you so much more special to me.

Please keep sending me (& daddy) signs and keep watching over us. Give hugs & kisses to great grandma & grandpa (and Coco) for me – I know they’re all taking good care of you.

I love you & miss you. Always.


New Year, New Hope

2020. The year that started a new decade and came with so much promise & hope. But…less than 3 months into said new year…all of that hope was flushed down the toilet when this stupid virus completely halted life as we all knew it. Not long after that…my body shut down the same way that the world did. It’s been a long road but now that I have some answers…I figured I’d do a little recap.

I’ve battled with invisible illnesses for my entire adult life. I was diagnosed at 18 with PCOS but continued to feel very sick thereafter. For years, I’d go to different doctors and have lots of tests…but when those tests came back normal, I was made to feel like a crazy person. I battled mystery stomach ailments & “appendix” pain, constant fatigue, joint/muscle aches, and a slew of hormonal issues every month. It wasn’t until I was diagnosed & treated for Endometriosis two years ago, that things started to get a little better. Until now.

This past year has been a trainwreck for everyone…but for me, it’s the worst I have felt in MANY years. My hormones have been completely out of whack, which has thrown off my metabolism & weight. I’ve been extremely fatigued & having those muscle/joint aches again…and to accompany that…I also battled severe lightheadedness for most of the year, which would include a migraine & nausea sometimes. I felt like I was living in a fog. It got so bad, that I took myself to the emergency room. I fought myself on that all year – with covid going on I didn’t want to make a bad situation worse by contracting that too. I did eventually give in to my failing body…and I was so glad that I did.

After feeling, once again, like a crazy person with the doctors I was going to…I decided to go to a new place. I also decided it would be best to go to this new place because it is a smaller, and a seemingly safer environment. As much as I hate hospitals and have PTSD with new doctors…this place has been a godsend. Every single person that I have met with and spoken to has been nothing but kind, compassionate…and helpful. They genuinely care about their patients and want to do whatever it takes to make them feel better. After my ER visit didn’t amount to much, I was sent to other specialists within the hospital for further testing.

I had many tests done and nothing abnormal came back. However, thanks to my persistence, I did get answers about the consistent dull pain in my lower abdomen. I was convinced, based on my symptoms, that I had polyps again. I went to my endometriosis doctor out of desperation and I was right. I had two polyps…and one was much bigger than either myself or my doctor expected. She brought me into the ER for a hysteroscopy to remove them but she didn’t like how it looked so she sent them out for biopsies immediately. It took two VERY long weeks but I found out that the polyps were cancer free & I am scheduled for a 6-month follow up to be sure nothing comes back.

I began pelvic floor PT at the new hospital in the fall to help with my chronic pain. The PT girl that I was given has been an angel. I’m by no means cured…but it turns out that the chronic pain and inflammation is actually where many of my mysterious pains come from. They are all connected! Not only is it helpful for the pain but it’s helpful for my brain too because it is proof that everything I’ve battled with for years is valid….despite what moron doctors have told me.

So we’ve begun a new year and with this new year comes new hope. Having the polyps removed has already made many of my symptoms disappear. Hopefully between that, my new team of doctors, and PT…I will continue to feel better & be able to workout again. It’s been a real struggle – 10 steps forward and 100 back – but if I can be patient and give my body time to heal…things should get much better. Maybe even better than they were before.

Here’s to a healthier…happier…new year for us all.


Happy Angelversary, Sweet Baby

My sweet angel,

3 years ago today, we lost you forever. Time passes so quickly but I never stop wondering who you would’ve become. I will always be sad that I never got to hear your heart beat or see that first little picture of you…but I will always be grateful that I got to be your mama, if only for a short time.

You’d be about 2 1/2 now, which is such a fun, curious age. I see pictures of children that were born around the time you would’ve been, starting nursery school and growing so quickly. I think of the little girl in my dreams with her blond hair & big blue eyes and wonder if you would’ve really looked like that. You’d be my little partner-in-crime & dancing buddy. We’d be teaching you all about sports & protecting you from this crazy world we are in. I will always wonder what life would’ve been like with you in it. Oh, how different everything would be…in the best possible way.

But that is all I can do…wonder. 3 years have somehow gone by and nothing has ever been the same. Your daddy & I don’t talk much these days but I know somewhere deep down, he thinks about you. I know you two would be best buddies & you’d have him wrapped around your tiny fingers. You changed him as much as much as you changed me…in ways neither of us ever imagined. I have spent a large portion of these last few years going through the motions, trying desperately to be the person that I was before we lost you…but I’ve come to realize it will never be the same. You changed me forever…and I couldn’t be more thankful.

I don’t speak about you as much because I’ve come to realize that a lot of people don’t really understand. I suppose it is hard to imagine how something that was with you for such a short time can make such a big impact…and be loved so much. So I keep my conversations just with you; hopefully you can hear me. I’ve always wanted to be a mommy & for a couple of months you made that possible. I don’t know if it will ever be possible to give you a living brother or sister but that only makes my time with you that much more special.

Please give great grandma & grandpa big hugs & kisses for me and keep taking good care of Coco. Come visit me in my dreams again soon 💗

Love always & forever,


Life Changes

2019 was a complete whirlwind. I don’t know if it’s getting older or what…but time really seems to go much faster now than it ever did. Whatever it is, 2019 was an incredible year full of growth and learning.

Let’s back up a bit. 2017 was the year that I was the happiest I have ever been in my entire life but it ended with the life-altering tragedy, that was losing my baby. I spent all of 2018 very sick & in a very dark depression, not wanting to wake up and not wanting to know what other misery the world would present me with. I made a decision on New Years that I would not spend 2019 the same way. And I didn’t. I’ve learned more now than ever before how strong I really am…and know that if I can get through this I really can get through anything.

That doesn’t take away my pain or my sadness. It doesn’t change how awful it feels when I see babies of friends, who would be the same age as mine, going through all of the milestones (walking, talking, exploring, etc) and how I’d literally do anything to have the chance to see my own child doing those things. I’ve had terrible anxiety for most of the year…but that’s also forced me to take a step back and reflect. There’s a lot to be said about letting go and taking things as they come. While that’s much easier said than done…it’s something I am trying to work at every day. I haven’t been very diligent about working out or following any sort of meal plan..and I’ve had terrible endo flares – but I’m maintaining my weight and clothing size. I still don’t sleep very well but I also don’t wake up crying anymore, so I consider that a very big win.

For the new year…and new decade…I have new goals & a new mindset. There’s a quote that says – “I’ve never seen a transformation that didn’t start with someone getting tired of their own shit.” Well here we are. I have let a tragic event consume my life for way too long. I may never be the same but it’s time to do things that make ME happy. One of those being working out. In January 2019, I made the very difficult decision to walk away from a job I loved, in order to alleviate some of the toxicity that had started presenting itself & allow myself to heal properly. As a result, I’ve stayed away from the gym, except when I have clients or have to teach my class, so as to avoid the heaviness and sadness (and person) associated with it all. However, there is absolutely no reason why I can’t get myself up and go to the gym early in the morning & start my day off on a good note. The daily walks that I enjoyed all summer may not be feasible right now, as I don’t live in a climate that really permits that. Call me crazy but walking outside at a park when its 20 degrees or colder…when there may or may not be snow on the ground…just isn’t my scene. I will resume those walks in the spring…and on any day that may be unseasonably warm beforehand. Lastly, and most importantly, my biggest goal is to let go. I started dating again in 2019…using an app of all things…and it was the biggest circus of my entire life. It increased my anxiety and really made me feel so much worse about myself than necessary. There were a couple of bright spots – in that I found my smile & laugh again…saw that I can have a good time and be happy after all….and most importantly, learned that I will be okay. I always believed you find someone when you aren’t looking and so the app has been deleted and I’m wiping the slate clean. I want to focus on being the best version of myself possible…and as proven in years past…when I do that, someone will eventually come along. Someone who won’t give me anxiety and who will be sincere with their words..and intentions. Someone who may finally give me the chance of trying to complete my dream life. Someone who makes me stupid happy.

So while 2019 hasn’t been perfect (by any means), it really was a year of incredible growth and strength. I’m very proud of how far I’ve come. I may not be where I want to be and my life may never be the same as it once was…but I’ve had to learn (& accept) that everything will be okay.

This line from the song Life Changes by Thomas Rhett sums it up perfectly:

“Ain’t it funny how life changes, you wake up ain’t nothin’ the same…life changes, you can’t stop it just hop on the train…you never know what’s gonna happen, you make your plans and you hear God laughin’…life changes, and I wouldn’t change it for the world.”

Happy New Year (and 6-year blogiversary, a week late) to us all. Here’s to a year filled with love, laughter…and hope.


Happy Angelversary to My Angel Up Above

To my sweet angel baby,

Another year has some how gone by and just like that it’s already been two years since we lost you forever. Nothing has been…or will ever be…the same. Not one day goes by that I don’t wonder who you would’ve been. Would you be the little girl that appeared in so many of my dreams? Would you have had my sassy personality…to match your daddy’s big blue eyes? I see children that are about the same age as you would be – and it makes me very sad. You see you’d be about 18 months old now – walking, trying to talk, learning & exploring everything and anything you could get your hands on. We’d be teaching you all about wrestling, football, and Yankees baseball. So when I see those children, I can’t help but think of you and wonder what life would be like. I know you would be the most adorable baby, full of personality & an absolute joy to all of our lives.

I would literally give anything to have you in my arms but I will always be grateful for the short time that I had with you. I have some regrets about things played out but you made my dream of becoming a mommy come true…and I will cherish that forever. You will always be my miracle and I will never forget you for as long as I live. I take comfort in the little signs you send me – please keep them coming & continue to watch over me. Be good for great-grandma & grandpa – and be nice to Coco! Miss you always.


Your mommy

Happy Birthday, My Angel

Happy birthday, my angel baby 👼 This week would have been your first birthday. I’ve struggled to write this, more so than usual. It’s been really hard going through daily life without you in my arms but I know you’re watching over us…so I try to be strong.

You see this would’ve been your first birthday, the first of many celebrations…none of which we get to have with you. I wonder everyday what life would be like with you here – what your laugh or cry would sound like, what your smile would look like. I think of how we would be teaching you all about baseball & wrestling…watching you take your first steps and say your first words…taking you to the beach or zoo…dancing around the house & singing in the car…seeing you discover new things everyday. You would be my very best friend and, if my dreams were accurate, you’d be your daddy’s mini-me.

As time has passed, I find myself crying less but not one minute of the day goes by that you’re not on my mind. Every time I see your dad, I see you. You changed us both in so many ways & you will always be a part of us for as long as we live. I am so thankful to have been given the gift of being your mom – I hope that I can make you proud. Give hugs & kisses to your great grandma & grandpa for me (and Coco too!)

I love you and miss you always ❤️


2019 Summer Shred

And just like that…it’s that time of year again! Summer Shred 2019 officially kicked off today and will run until May 22, which is right before my birthday…and Memorial Day weekend! This is my 5th year in a row doing this and I swear every year the diet gets easier to follow. Last year my whole world was upside down and, as a result, the shred didn’t pan out. My head wasn’t in the game…at all. I followed the diet but I didn’t workout, and without both the results just won’t happen. I ultimately ended the shred before the 30 days were up and I wasn’t even phased – I even went as far as to purchase a one-piece bathing suit. This year, I’m going to try my damndest to fight through every mental obstacle I have and get it done. I want to be healthier and I want to feel more confident on the beach…and in life. It’s going to be an uphill battle – but I need to do this. My stomach is still relatively flat and my weight has stayed pretty much the same so the physical goals for this shred are simple: to gain back some of the muscle that I lost & lose body fat. But really, this is so much bigger than a beach-body challenge for me this year. After being through hell & back, all I can hope for with this challenge is to not just get my body back…but to get my mind right again once & for all.

L – 2017, my “best” body / R – now

If you’d like to follow along on this 30-day summer shred, I’ve listed a shopping list below of the foods that I will be eating. Keep in mind, this is what works for ME. I will try to post here and on my Instagram so as to provide more guidance if you’re following. However, if you’d like a more customized plan or have any questions as to what foods will work in addition to what I’ve listed, feel free to email me at thefight2befit@gmail.com and I will be more than happy to help!

  • Oats
  • Egg muffins
  • Brown rice, quinoa, or sweet potato
  • Avocado
  • Lettuce
  • Banza (chickpea pasta)
  • Tomatoes
  • Cucumbers
  • Chicken, ground turkey, lean pork, tuna
  • Turkey jerky
  • Veggies (kale, asparagus, mushrooms, string beans, zucchini, brussels, eggplant, peppers, etc)
  • Almonds, cashews
  • Cottage cheese
  • PB
  • Quest Bars
  • GoMacro Bar
  • Unsweetened vanilla almond milk

**Not listed here are my kitchen staples (balsamic vinegar, spray/oil, hot sauce, mustard, spices, etc.) as well as my protein powder /BCAAs. Also not listed, Apple Cider Vinegar. My day will always begin with an ACV cocktail – 1 tbsp of ACV mixed with 12oz of cold water.*

Time to be better than what I thought was my best!

